We believe that every child deserves to smile, no matter what circumstances they face. Over a single weekend, our team transforms an existing waiting room, treatment room or patient care room into a Smilezone!

The numbers tell all! With each completed project we track the level of success and impact the Smilezones produce

Number of Smilezones
Across Canada


Number of children impacted
by Smilezones


Linda KennyCEO, KidsAbility Centre for Child Development
Katie Horleyage 5 years Pathways Health Centre for Children
Sierra11 yrs, attends a Sons & Daughters group due to the death of her mother
David Faerge 2.5 years old Pathways Health Centre for Children
Howie CampbellPresident of the Barrie Colts

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Charitable Registration Number: 825656507RR001