Hamilton Child and Family Supports Unveils Ten New Smilezones: A Source of Hope and Joy for Children and Families

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Hamilton, ON – October 2, 2024 – Hamilton Child and Family Supports (HCFS) is thrilled to announce the grand opening of ten new Smilezones at their family centre. These vibrant and welcoming spaces have been created to enhance the experience of children, youth, and families who rely on the services of HCFS.

\Generously donated by Smilezone Foundation and Clanachan Family Foundation with support from Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Forge FC, Toronto Rock and JR Digs Acoustic Christmas Concert Fundraiser, these Smilezone spaces feature fresh paint, colourful murals, sensory and interactive gaming elements, custom cabinetry, comfortable furniture, and more. The Smilezones were designed to create fun, therapeutic environments that make challenging days a little brighter for the children and families who visit HCFS.

“We are incredibly proud to partner with Hamilton Child and Family Supports to bring these new Smilezones to life,” said Smilezone Foundation Co-Founder, Scott Bachly. “Smilezone Foundation’s mission is to create spaces where children and families feel comforted, inspired, and supported during challenging times. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, these ten Smilezones will bring smiles to countless faces and help make a real difference in the community.”

The new Smilezone spaces, filled with vibrant murals and interactive elements, will bring an atmosphere of positivity and energy to the family centre at Hamilton Child and Family Supports. The colourful, playful designs are crafted to uplift the spirits of children and families, creating a welcoming environment where they can feel at ease. These thoughtfully designed rooms brighten the physical spaces and provide comfort, joy, and a sense of hope, making each visit a little easier for those facing difficult times.

“We are truly humbled by this gift and would like to thank each and every donor for their generosity,” said Bryan Shone, Executive Director, Hamilton Child and Family Supports. “It’s truly amazing to see what can be accomplished when organizations come together in partnership. The positive impact on the children, youth and families supported by HCFS will be felt for years to come.”  

Each mural in the new Smilezone spaces is uniquely designed to celebrate the vibrant spirit of Hamilton, reflecting the city’s rich community, lifestyle, and sports culture. From scenes of the iconic Hamilton skyline to tributes to the local sports teams like the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Forge FC and Toronto Rock these murals capture the heart of the city. They offer families a sense of familiarity and pride, creating an environment where the community’s culture and values are showcased and celebrated in every room. These unique designs brighten the space and foster a deeper connection to Hamilton’s identity.

“It’s an honour to support the creation of these Smilezones at Hamilton Child and Family Supports. This project is a testament to what can be achieved when the community comes together,” said David Clanachan on behalf of the Clanachan Family Foundation.  “We are incredibly grateful for the contributions of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Forge FC, Toronto Rock and JR Digs Acoustic Christmas Concert Fundraiser, whose generosity has made this possible. Together, we’re creating a lasting, positive impact for children and families in the Hamilton community.”


Smilezone Foundation is a registered charity in Oakville, Ontario committed to improving the lives of children receiving medical treatment at health facilities across Canada.  In 2012 founders Adam Graves and Scott Bachly were approached to make a financial contribution to the construction of a local hospital. Through partnerships with hospitals, community centers, and other organizations, Smilezone creates accessible, fun, and therapeutic environments where children can heal and thrive. Smilezone has transformed 400 spaces into Smilezones across Canada, benefiting over 83 communities and reaching more than 340,000 children annually. For more information, visit www.smilezone.com.


Through early help, culturally sensitive services, keeping families together and engaging with the community, Hamilton Child and Family Supports promotes the safety, permanency and well-being for children, youth and families in Hamilton. Funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and mandated under Ontario’s Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA), HCFS envisions a community where every child is a gift to be valued, nurtured, and kept safe.


For more information:                 

Micki Benedetti                                                             Tracy MacIsaac

Smilezone Foundation                                                 Hamilton Child and Family Supports

P: 905-466-2575                                                            905-522-1121 x6465 

benedetti.micki@gmail.com                                       tmacisaac@hamiltoncfs.ca

Please click the link to download a PDF version of the press release: Smilezone- Hamilton Child and Family Press Release FINAL

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